God's Word Endures Forever

Isaiah 55

Life Group Questions

1. If you were not able to hear this week’s sermon, consider going to the church website and listening to it. What are some main ideas you gathered from the sermon? What, if any, questions did the sermon cause for you or do you desire to have additional clarification?
2. Read Isaiah 55. What are some observations you notice as you read? What do you believe is the writer’s intent for us to understand about the Lord in this chapter.
3. Read Isaiah 40:6-8 and describe the metaphor the writer uses to describe humanity? What does this mean? In what way are people similar to plants (flowers, grass)? How is God’s Word different than plants and humanity?
4. In Isaiah 55:11 we are told God’s Word never fails. How does the thought of God’s Word never failing encourage you (c.f. Joshua 21:43-45, 1 Kings 8:56, Luke 16:17)? Explain how this thought helps you in your spiritual walk?
5. What commands and promises do you notice in Isaiah 55:1-7? How satisfying is it to know that the Lord’s commands are not empty commands for His people (c.f. Psalm 89:33-34; John 4:14; Revelation 22:17)? What do you think the writer is referring to with the thought of an “everlasting covenant” in verse three?
6. What perspective do verses 8-9 give us in relation to the Lord? Do you believe this to be a belittling idea or a picture of God’s grace? Explain how the Lord’s thoughts and ways are above ours?
7. How are the images of water and the Word (vv10-11) both alike and different? What are the purposes for each of these ideas? How do these point to God’s provision for His people (c.f. Philippians 4:19; Deuteronomy 8:3; Hebrews 4:12)?
8. Looking at Isaiah 55:12-13, what appears to be the benefits of God’s Word for the believer? What should God’s Word cause us to do? Consider what the Lord has done in your life (c.f. Colossians 1:13-14, Psalm 98:1-9). What do these thoughts stir up in you?
9. This week we celebrate thanksgiving. Please take time this week with your family and reflect on how blessed we really are. Share with your family how the Lord has changed you and is still changing you. Take time to pray as a family, thanking God for His Word which never fails.

by Dan Jarmon 
/  Music & Young Adults

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Macedonia Baptist Church
10481 NC 42 West, Holly Springs, N.C. 27540
(919) 567-3460


Macedonia Baptist Church
10481 NC 42 West, Holly Springs, N.C. 27540
(919) 567-3460


Macedonia Baptist Church   /   10481 NC 42 West, Holly Springs, N.C. 27540   /   (919) 567-3460