Although the Bible itself is the only inspired and perfect Word of God, it is also helpful to read after those who can contribute to our biblical understanding. For that reason, the elders of Macedonia would like to recommend several books for your spiritual and biblical development.

In the following list you will find books presented by categories of Christian study. These works are not recommended because we necessarily agree with everything they present, but because they are widely recognized as worthy of reading. As always, if you have any questions about the content of these works we welcome your feedback.


Knowing God: J.I. Packer
Introduction to Old Testament Theology: John Sailhamer
The Meaning of the Pentateuch: John Sailhamer
The Pentateuch as Narrative: John Sailhamer
The Cross of Christ: John Stott
Systematic Theology: Wayne Grudem
Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Theology: Westminster Publishing
Chosen for Life: Sam Storms
Systematic Theology: Millard Erickson
Biblical Theology of Old and New Testaments: Brevard Childs
Meditations on the Cross: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: John Piper & Wayne Grudem
God the Holy Trinity: Timothy George
The Apostolic Preaching of the Cross: Leon Morris
Biblical Theology – Retrospect & Prospect: Scott Hafemann
What Does It Mean to Be Saved? John Stackhouse
What is Reformed Theology?: R.C. Sproul
Christian Beliefs: Wayne Gruden


The History of Interpretation: Frederic Farrar
God’s Word in Human Words: Sparks
Biblical Hermeneutics: Gerhard Kenton Maier
The Eclipse of Biblical Narrative: Hans Frei
Exegetical Fallacies: D.A. Carson
Mimesis – The Presentation of reality in Western Literature: Erich Auerbach


Biblical Eldership: Alexander Strauch
Brothers We Are Not Professionals: John Piper
Spurgeon on Leadership: Larry Michael
Why Elders? Benjamin Merkle
40 Questions about Elders and Deacons: Benjamin Merkel
A Theology for the Church: Daniel Akin
The Book on Leadership: John MacArthur
Pastoral Ministry: John MacArthur
Expository Preaching; John MacArthur
The Measure of a Healthy Church: Gene Getz
The Master’s Plan for the Church: John MacArthur
Preachers and Preaching: Martin Lloyd-Jones
Spiritual Leadership: J. Oswald Sanders
Ministers of Mercy, The N.T. Deacon: Alexander Starch
Elders & Leaders, God’s Plan for Leading the Church: Gene Getz
Anointed Expository Preaching: Stephen Olford


The Myth of Adolescence: David Black
God, Marriage, and Family: Andres Kostenberger
Shepherding a Child’s Heart: Paul Tripp
The Sacred Marriage: Gary Thomas
The Hidden Keys to A Loving, Lasting Marriage: Gary Smalley
Strengthening Your Marriage: Wayne Mack
Christian Living in the Home: Wayne Mack
The Exemplary Husband: Stuart Scott
The Complete Husband: Lou Priolo
Being a Dad Who Leads: John MacArthur
Strengthening Your Marriage: Wayne A. Mack
Sex and the Supremacy of Christ: John Piper & Justin Taylor
Sweethearts For A Lifetime, Making the Most of your Marriage: Wayne A. Mack
Christian Living in the Home: Wayne A. Mack
Your Family God’s Way: Wayne A. Mack
Faithful Women & Their Extraordinary God: Noel Piper
Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World: Joanna Weaver
Becoming A Titus 2 Woman: Martha Peace
The Excellent Wife: Martha Peace
Twelve Extraordinary Women: John MacArthur
Lies Young Women Believe & the Truth that Sets them Free: Nancy Leigh Demo
Parents & Teenagers: Jay Kesler
Successful Christian Parenting: John MacArthur


Biblical Counseling: MacArthur & Mack
PsychoBabble – The Failure of Modern Psychology: Richard Ganz
Psychology as Religion – The Cult of Self-Worship: Paul Vitz
Heart of the Problem: Brandt & Skinner
Competent to Counsel: Introduction to Nouthetic Counseling: Jay Adams
A Theology of Christian Counseling- More Than Redemption: Jay Adams
A theology of Christian Counseling: Jay Adams


Exploring The History and Philosophy of Christian Education: Anthony & Benson
The 7 Laws of The Learner: Bruce Wilkinson
Between Two Worlds: John Stott


Desiring God: John Piper
The Cost of Discipleship: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The Measure of a Man: Gene Getz
Disciplines of a Godly Man: Hughes
The Pursuit of God: A.W. Tower
Spiritual Disciplines: Donald Whitney
Mere Christianity: C.S. Lewis
Keep in Step with the Spirit: J.I. Packer
Twelve Ordinary Men: John MacArthur
Our Sufficiency in Christ: John MacArthur
The Gospel According to Jesus: John MacArthur
The Gospel According to the Apostles: John MacArthur
Think Biblically: John MacArthur
The Word of God in English: Leland Ryken
God is the Gospel: John Piper
The Pleasure of God: John Piper
Future Grace: John Piper
Don’t Wast Your Life: John Piper
Battling Unbelief: John Piper
The Hidden Smile of God: John Piper
Faith Alone: R.C. Sproul
Foundations of Grace: Steven Lawson
Pillars of Grace: Steven Lawson
Willing to Believe: R.C. Sproul
Uprooting Anger: Robert Jones
Basic Christianity: John Stott
The Total Money Makeover: Dave Ramsey


Let The Nations Be Glad! John Piper
Yes, God of the Gentiles, Too: David Filbeck
The Master Plan of Evangelism: Robert Coleman


Christian Philosophy: Russ Bush
Philosophy: Colin Brown
No Doubt About It: Winfried Corduan
The Case for Faith: Lee Strobel
Classical readings in Christian Apologetics: Russ Bush
Christian Apologetics: Norman Geisler
Reasonable Faith: William Craig
How Then Should We Live? Francis Schaeffer
Kingdom of the Cults: Walter Martin
Answering Islam: Norman Geisler & Abdul Saleeb
Reason in the Balance: Phillip Johnson


The Story of Church History Vol. 1: Justo Gonzalez
The Story of Church History Vol. 2: Justo Gonzalez
Church History in Plain Language: Bruce Shelley
Documents of the Christian Church: Bettenson & Maunder


Christian Ethics: Norman Geisler
Ethics For a Brave New World: Feinberg & Feinberg


Pilgrim’s Progress: John Bunyan
More Than a Carpenter: Josh McDowell
Foxe’s Christian Martyrs of the World: Moody Press
The Life of D.L. Moody: Moody Press
Billy Sunday: William William Ellis
The Autobiography of George Muller: Whitaker House Publishing
Here I Stand – A Life of Martin Luther: Roland Bainton


NIV Compact Commentary: John Sailhamer
The MacArthur New Testament Commentary: Moody Press
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament: Baker Publishers
New International Greek Testament Commentary: Eerdmans Publishers
New International Commentary on the New Testament: Eerdmans Publishers
Word Biblical Commentary: Nelson Publishers
The New International Commentary on the Old Testament: Eerdmans
The New American Commentary: Broadman Publishers
Keil & Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament: Hendrickson Publishers
The Bible Knowledge Commentary: Walvoord & Zuck
Calvin’s Commentaries: Baker Publishing
Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Zondervan Publishing
Genesis Unbound: Sailhamer




Macedonia Baptist Church   /   10481 NC 42 West, Holly Springs, N.C. 27540   /   (919) 567-3460