May 23, 2021 - Friends of God

Judges 5:24-31

Life Group Questions

1. If you could not hear this week’s sermon, consider going to the church website and listening to it. What main ideas did you gain from the message? Do you have any questions?

2. Define your idea of what it means to be a friend. Describe somebody that has been a good friend to you. What characteristics make a person a good friend?

3. Read the following wisdom Scriptures: Proverbs 14:20; 17:17; 18:24; 19:4, 6. What lessons should we gain from these passages? Have you ever experienced people who extended friendship based on how it benefited them? Explain.

4. Describe Job’s friends (cf. Job 2:11; 19: 14-21, 42:7-10).

5. What does it mean to be a friend of God? In what way should the thought of being God’s friend humble us (cf. Exodus 15:11)? What are some differences and similarities between human friendships and friendship with God?

6. What was the basis of Abraham’s friendship with God (cf. Isaiah 41:8; James 2:21-23)? Do you think God or Abraham initiated their friendship (cf. Genesis 11-12)? Explain.

7. What caused the transition of Jesus referring to His disciples as friends instead of servants (cf. John 15:15)? How did Jesus describe those who are His friends (cf. John 15:14)? How is love for God related to being His friend?

by Terry Beatty
/  Lead Teacher and Ministry Vision

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Macedonia Baptist Church
10481 NC 42 West, Holly Springs, N.C. 27540
(919) 567-3460


Macedonia Baptist Church
10481 NC 42 West, Holly Springs, N.C. 27540
(919) 567-3460


Macedonia Baptist Church   /   10481 NC 42 West, Holly Springs, N.C. 27540   /   (919) 567-3460