July 30, 2023 - In the Presence of God

1 Samuel 1:21-28

Life Group Questions

1. If you were not able to hear this week’s sermon, consider going to the church website and listening to it. What are some main ideas that you gathered from the sermon? Do you have any questions?

2. What does it mean to experience the presence of God? How do we know when God is present? What is the benefit of having the presence of God with us (cf. Exodus 33:1-23)?

3. What is your opinion of Elkanah as a husband and father? What are some good things you see about his example and attitude? How did he encourage family worship?

4. Hannah not only brought a generous gift of sacrifice to the Lord but went so far as to commit her son to the Lord. How does Hannah serve as an example of Abraham (cf. Genesis 22; Hebrews 17-19)? How does Hannah serve as a good example for us to follow?

5. What does it mean to be a generous giver? Why do you think God wants us to be cheerful givers (cf. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7)? Why is it more blessed to give than to receive (cf. Acts 20:35)?

6. Why is it so important for parents to actively teach their children the word of God (cf. Deuteronomy 6:4-7)? What are some practical ways in which parents can positively influence their children in the word of God? Consider taking time this week to read the Bible as a family; pick a simple book like Philippians.

by Terry Beatty
/  Lead Teacher and Ministry Vision

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Macedonia Baptist Church
10481 NC 42 West, Holly Springs, N.C. 27540
(919) 567-3460


Macedonia Baptist Church
10481 NC 42 West, Holly Springs, N.C. 27540
(919) 567-3460


Macedonia Baptist Church   /   10481 NC 42 West, Holly Springs, N.C. 27540   /   (919) 567-3460