Life Group Questions
1. If you were not at this week’s sermon, consider going to the church website and listening to it. What main ideas did you gain from the message? Do you have any questions?
2. Read through the book of Galatians and note any contrasts made by the writer. How does the writer contrast such topics as law and faith, works and grace, flesh and Spirit?
3. Read Romans 8:5-14 and provide at least three observations concerning the flesh and the Spirit. What does “living according to the flesh” mean, and what does it produce in our lives? List some things the flesh cannot provide or produce.
4. What are some areas in which you struggle with the desires of the flesh? Would you say that you do well with denying the flesh? What things have you found helpful in denying the flesh and its desires?
5. What does it mean to have been crucified with Christ (cf. Galatians 2:20)? If our flesh has been crucified along with its passions and desires, why do we still struggle (cf. Galatians 5:24)? How do we put to death the desires of the flesh (cf. Colossians 3:5)?
6. What are some ways in which we wrongly trust in the flesh for salvation and the Christian walk (cf. John 3:5-6; 6:63)? From where does our desire to do good works and obey God come (cf. Romans 7:18; Philippians 2:13)? From where do the desires of the flesh come (cf. 1John 2:16)?
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Macedonia Baptist Church
10481 NC 42 West, Holly Springs, N.C. 27540
(919) 567-3460
Macedonia Baptist Church
10481 NC 42 West, Holly Springs, N.C. 27540
(919) 567-3460
Macedonia Baptist Church / 10481 NC 42 West, Holly Springs, N.C. 27540 / (919) 567-3460