Life Group Questions
1. If you were not at this week’s sermon, consider going to the church website and listening to it. What main ideas did you gain from the message? Do you have any questions?
2. Describe the Lord’s strength (cf. Jeremiah 10:12; Psalm 147:4-5). What is some evidence of the power of God (cf. Romans 1:20)? How have you experienced the power of God in your life (cf. Romans 1:16; 2Timothy 1:8)?
3. What does it mean that David strengthened himself in the Lord (cf. vs. 6)? How, specifically, do think that he did that? How do we know that we are walking in God’s strength instead of our own (cf. Isaiah 40:30-31)?
4. List some circumstances that made David’s situation so difficult. How do we know that God’s power is sufficient for every circumstance in life (cf. Psalm 27; 2Corinthians 12:8-10; Philippians 4:11-13; 2Timothy 1:16-18)? What are some tough circumstances you’ve endured with the Lord’s strength?
5. How does God’s strength give us success and victory (cf. Ephesians 6:10-11; 1Corinthians 2:1-5)? Why does God give us power and strength (eg. Acts 1:8)?
6. Read the following passages and describe how God is the only source of our power: Exodus 15:2; Deuteronomy 8:17-18; Psalm 28:6-7; Habakkuk 3:19; Psalm 46:1-3.
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Macedonia Baptist Church
10481 NC 42 West, Holly Springs, N.C. 27540
(919) 567-3460
Macedonia Baptist Church
10481 NC 42 West, Holly Springs, N.C. 27540
(919) 567-3460
Macedonia Baptist Church / 10481 NC 42 West, Holly Springs, N.C. 27540 / (919) 567-3460