John 7:53-8:11
Life Group Questions:
1. If you were not able to hear this week’s sermon, consider going to the church website and listening to it. What are some main ideas that you gathered from the sermon? What, if any, questions did the sermon cause for you or do you desire to have additional clarification?
2. Look at your version (translation) of the Bible and see if there are any textual notes related to our section. Do you think that this section should be included in the English translation of the Bible? Why or why not? You may want to look at some commentaries or search for articles on the internet.
3. Being that this passage has relatively little support for being a part of John’s Gospel, why do you think certain scribes included it? Why do you think some of the English translations chose to mark this passage as questionable (placing it in brackets) instead of not including it at all? Does this issue cause you any questions with regard to the authority and accuracy of God’s Word? Explain.
4. Do you consider the teaching in this section to be consistent with the Gospel of John? Does this passage contradict biblical doctrine or conflict with the character of Christ? How should we answer those who claim that this passage makes light of the sin of adultery?
5. Describe the methods and motives of the scribes and Pharisees with regard to this incident. What are some traits and actions of these leaders that we should avoid? What do you think of the way in which they used the Law of God for their cause?
6. Would Jesus have been wrong to say that the woman caught in adultery should be stoned to death (cf. Leviticus 20:10)? Why or why not? Why do you think that God’s Law treated the sin of adultery so severely? Do you think that God still feels the same contempt for this sin?
7. What do you see as striking about the manner in which Jesus responded to the scribes and Pharisees? What is the significance of him stooping down and writing on the ground? Why do you think we are not told what Jesus wrote on the ground? What is significant about the “older ones” leaving the scene first?
8. Why did Jesus say He did not condemn the woman (cf. John 3:17)? Do you believe Jesus condemns sin now? Describe the significance of Jesus telling the woman to go and sin no more (e.g., inference as to her guilt, the act of adultery, etc). How should we apply this to our own lives?