John 3:16
Life Group Questions:
1. If you were not able to hear this week’s sermon, consider going to the church website and listening to it. What are some main ideas that you gathered from the sermon? What, if any, questions did the sermon cause for you or do you desire to have additional clarification?
2. In your own words, describe the meaning and significance of John 3:16. What thoughts come to mind when you hear or think of this verse? Do you think that most people correctly understand this passage? Explain.
3. Who is the subject in this passage? How does properly identifying the subject help us understand the purpose of this verse? What does the writer want us to understand about the subject?
4. Describe John’s use of the word love. Look at some uses of this word in the New Testament and state your observations: 1 John 4:7, 19; Matthew 22:37-39; Luke 6:35; John 13:34; Ephesians 5:1, 25. How have you experienced the love of God? In what areas do you need to grow in the love of God?
5. The Greek word translated as “so” here also occurs in the following verses: John 3:8, 14; 5:21, 26; 15:4, 21:1. Do you agree with the idea that John is not emphasizing the intensity of God’s love, but the manner of his love? Explain your thoughts on the significance of this distinction.
6. Describe the manner in which God loved the world. What is the significance of the idea that God “gave” his Son. Why do you think that John designates Jesus as God’s “only begotten” or “unique” Son instead of some other title?
7. If God was willing to sacrifice his only Son in order to demonstrate his love, how then should we demonstrate our love? What principles of God’s demonstrated love should carry over into our love for him and others?
8. What does it mean that God loved the world? Does God love everything about the world? Does God love every person the same? You may want to consider the following passages: John 1:9-10; 15:18; 17:9; 18:36; 1John 2:15; Romans 9:10-15; Revelation 7:9-10.
9. This verse has been often presented with an invitational message as in, “God gave his son so that whoever wants to receive him can do so.” Is that a proper understanding of John’s intent? The same phrase for believers is used in the following verses: John 3:15; 12:46; Acts 13:38; Romans 10:11; 1 John 5:1. What specifically is mentioned as the benefits of believing in Christ in this passage?