John 1:6-13
Life Group Questions:
1. If you were not able to hear this week’s sermon, consider going to the church website and listening to it. What are some main ideas that you gathered from the sermon? What, if any, questions did the sermon cause for you or do you desire to have additional clarification?
2. Why do you think John included John the Baptist in his prologue, which focuses so much on the person and work of Christ? Does it seem a little out of place to mention John at this point? What are some traits of John that impress you?
3. Describe some of the writer’s stated contrasts between John the Baptist and the Word. Why do you think the writer emphasizes these differences? In what way should we aspire to be like John the Baptist?
4. John is described as a man sent from God. Do you believe that God still sends people? How might this idea of God’s sending be related to God’s calling? In what way might God be wanting to send you? How would you describe your willingness to go and perform whatever calling God has for you?
5. What does it mean to be a witness for Jesus Christ? What are some things about Christ for which we should provide testimony? Would you describe yourself as an effective witness for Christ? Why or why not? In what ways might you need to grow in your ability and commitment to be a better witness for Christ?
6. Who is the One John calls the Light? What is the writer’s point in qualifying the Word as the true Light? What is the relationship between the Light and darkness (cf. John 1:5)? Does this designation of the Word as the Light have any connection with Genesis 1 and the mention of light? Explain.
7. In verse 10 John repeats the word “world” three times. Why do you think he used this word three times in such a short segment of writing? John uses “world” (Greek kosmos) with two different senses in verse 10. Describe these two different senses and the manner in which John uses it in John 3:16.
8. What should be our reaction to the statement that the Word, the One who made all of creation, came to his creation? What do you think John intended for his readers to consider about this phenomenon? Describe the response of “His own” to His coming (cf. vs. 11). How should this statement impact us?
9. What does it mean to “receive” Christ? What does John intend by this statement? How does verse 13 help clarify the idea of what it means to “receive” Christ? Explain the meaning and significance of the three statements in verse 13.