John 7:14-24
Life Group Questions:
1. If you were not able to hear this week’s sermon, consider going to the church website and listening to it. What are some main ideas that you gathered from the sermon? What, if any, questions did the sermon cause for you or do you desire to have additional clarification?
2. Describe some ways in which we are influenced by credentials. Have you ever encountered people who had a lot of credentials, but lacked in actual wisdom and knowledge? Why do we esteem credentials so highly? Are they important?
3. People accused Jesus of not having credentials when they stated that He had never been educated. Is it true that Jesus had never been educated (cf. John 8:28)? Since He was God, did Jesus need to learn (cf. Luke 2:40)? Explain.
4. Did Jesus know all things when He was born (cf. Luke 2:40)? Did Jesus know everything when He was grown (cf. Matthew 24:36)? How can these aspects of Jesus’ being affect our view of His deity? What does it mean that Jesus “emptied” Himself in Philippians 2:7? Do some research and describe some problems with the “kenosis” theory? Describe what “hypostatic union” means with regard to Jesus.
5. How can we be sure that we really know God? How can we be sure that somebody else really knows God (e.g., degrees, experience, etc.)? From where does knowledge of God come? How do we grow in the knowledge of God?
6. Describe the difference between a teacher and a preacher. How are these words used in Scripture? Do you think it is significant that John states that Jesus was “teaching” in the synagogue and not “preaching”?
7. What was the goal of Jesus’ teaching (vs. 18)? Do you think many of the preachers and teachers today share the same goal that Jesus had? How do we know if a teacher is really authentic and sincere?
8. Describe some ways in which we can fulfill the command of Jesus to judge righteously. What does righteous judgment mean? What are some things that can hinder us from judging righteously? Explain.